Currency Converter

Our fx risk percentage calculator determines your lot size based on the percentage of your balance that you're willing to risk. Firstly, select your account currency and currency pair. Then add your stop loss level in pips, your balance amount and the percentage that you are prepared to risk, and click calculate


In this example we have selected a risk percentage of 5%, a stop loss of 100 pips and a balance of 10,000 USD

Account currency USD
Currency pair GBP/CHF
A.currency/Q.currency USD/CHF = 0.907
Lot size (5% x 10,000 x 0.907 / 100) / (0.0001 x 100,000) = 0.453


(Percentage risk x balance x (account/quote currency) / stop loss in pips) / (0.0001 x 100,000)

(Percentage risk x balance x (account/quote currency) / stop loss in pips) / (0.01 x 100,000) (for JPY)

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The information provided herein is for general informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended and should not be construed to constitute advice.

If such information is acted upon by you then this should be solely at your discretion and GKFX will not be held accountable in any way.

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